FINNNNALLLY. I was thinking of moving my blog somewhere that didn't have an ad at the top of the screen, but that didn't work out so well for me, so then I finally remembered how to just put an image
on top of the ad. Which works for me. *shrugs* I don't care if the ad is still there, as long as I can't see it... *grins*
See, this is the time when Chloe will probably have some sort of comment about how the graphic that's up isn't exactly wow-professional, but (not much time)+(only moderate patience)+(laziness) = wysiwyg (what you see is what you get). *grins* Anyway, I was just really, really bored with the way my blog looked before...
(Note: it'll really only look right if your screen resolution is 800x600...
and you're using Internet Explorer...'cause Netscape kinda sucks... :P :) )